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Message from the Head – Week 19

Week 19 – 3 February 2023

Personal news to start this week, for many years I have struggled with what has become an arthritic ankle. I had postponed the operation 3 years ago as I did not want to spend any length of time away from YHS while we were on our improvement journey. I now have a date for the operation to “fuse” my ankle which will mean that I am unable to put any weight through the ankle for 6 weeks. From February 28th I will not be in school for a period of time. Some of the more eagle eyed amongst you had already seen that there has been an advert for an Interim Headteacher to replace me during my absence. I am pleased to say that Amanda Fraser will be the interim Headteacher and she will be starting on February 20th. At that time I am sure that Amanda will want to introduce herself to all members of the YHS community.

Thank you to all the parents who completed the parents survey recently. The results were very similar to previous surveys. The percentage of parents who would recommend the school to another parent moving into the area was the highest we have ever had at 80%. As always there were many positive comments about the staff, in particular the positive relationships they have with the students and their enthusiasm and commitment to the students at YHS.

The areas that we can improve seem to focus around the day to day communication and for some of our students, the relations that they have with other students. We believe that we have a strong and robust anti bullying policy and we tackle bullying whenever we are informed of it. 

The parent survey suggests that bullying is a bigger issue than the students survey so we are taking the following actions: 

We would like a group of parents to work with us to find ways of improving what we do. The starting point would be a meeting next week at 5pm on Wednesday 8th February to hear your views on how we can improve. 

Please email me at if you are able to attend. The meeting will last no longer than an hour. If you would like to be part of this but are unable to attend please let me know. Our school has always valued the views of our parents and realise the value of working together.

Speaking of working together we have a vacancy for a parent governor at the moment. If you are interested please email me at the address above to register your interest.

Chapelfield Community Event

On Friday 3rd March from 3:30 – 5:30pm there will be a Chapelfields Community Event outside Sanderson House on Bramham Road in Chapelfields.

Your local Police, Councillor, housing officer, local area co-ordinator will all be present to answer any issues or questions you may have.

Sanderson House will be open for refreshments and there will be games consoles and gaming PC’s available!

The Police will be security marking bicycles, so feel free to come and get yours marked!

Year 7 Netball

Thursday night saw Year 7’s second fixture at Archbishop Holgate School against themselves and Manor.

The girls played 3 games and did extremely well. Centre Megan was always there to support the others but I couldn’t choose a player of the match as they were all so outstanding.

In the first game against Archie’s, the girls did great. Nyla and Imogen were unstoppable by the goal and with extremely quick passes from our side they didn’t stand a chance giving us a 3-1 win!

Game 2 despite the freezing conditions the girls again attacked extremely well however Archie’s 2nd team had amazing tactics, skilful defence and as our girl’s said “extremely tall children”. This led to us unfortunately losing 5-0.

In the final game against Manor we picked up our mojo and upped the defence. After the first half it was 1-1 our girls were rightly pleased however after a tiring few games Manor managed to sneak a 4-1 win.

I am over the moon with how well the girls played and with many more fixtures upcoming, excited for what they can achieve as a strong team who is constantly improving!

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