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Message from the Head – Week 24

Week 24 – 17 March 2023

I can’t believe that I have been at York High School for a month already; and what a month it has been. I have to say that the whole school community have made me feel very welcome and the students and staff have been fantastic – especially if I need help to find a classroom! 

I have tried to speak to as many students as I can in these four weeks; if I haven’t had a chance to speak to them directly they have absolutely shared a smile with me on the corridors while I have been out and about. This is very much a school that is built upon positive relationships and that shines through every day.

You will all be glad to learn that Mr Sims’ operation was successful and he is now resting his ankle, on doctors orders. He wanted me to send you all his best wishes and to let you know that he misses everyone at YHS and can’t wait to get back into school. Get well soon Mr Sims!

Other News:

Year 7 Football

Monday evening saw Year 7 travel to Fulford in their final game of this season. Despite not ending up on the winning side, on a very boggy pitch, (see image!) I cannot stress how proud I was to see the effort and determination throughout given the losses the team has had in previous weeks. The improvement from last week’s defeat at Manor was amazing with us only narrowly getting beat tonight. Some stand out performances at the back from Sonney, Ethan and Layton alongside excellent saves from Dylan kept us in the game for long periods which is well worth a mention. Well done lads and let’s keep improving at training on Thursdays after school.

Mr Ledgeway

Dance Festival

Our dance group were lucky enough to host a Dance Festival here on Tuesday and we were joined by 14 primary schools.

Helen (our amazing dance teacher) and Myself are so proud of them. Not only the fantastic performance they did today in front of 200 people, but the responsibility they undertook without being asked, to support the primary pupils, help get the hall ready for the festival and to assist with the smooth running of the day. Every member of staff from the 14 primaries commented on how great they were! Morgan, Erin, Shelby, Lilly, Emma, Aaliyah, Layla May, Layla, Imogen and Caitlin were a pleasure to work with and have come on so much over the course of the project. We are launching an after-school club in the Summer term and they are all keen to attend, and I will keep the Tuesday morning session going, with the hope of deploying them at primary schools to teach younger pupils dance.

Mr Pope – School Sport Manager

Year 7 Netball

Well done to our Y7s who played The Mount School on Thursday evening. Due to strikes we had a few girls down however thanks to a lot of girls stepping up we managed to play a good game.

We even had a little visitor (Imogen) who unfortunately has been ill but wanted to support her team mates Nyla was outstanding with her shooting and dodging always being in the right place at the right time. This mixed in with Megan as our speedy centre made for an unstoppable team – their pace of pass was outstanding! April was our amazing defensive player constantly marking until her “legs felt like jelly”. Rhia stepped up as our goal keeper and did an amazing job at defending our post despite having never played before. Nyla led us up to scoring 4 shots and with an amazing shot from Evie taken at the edge of the D we ended on 5. It wasn’t quite enough to beat The Mount but the girls showed resilience, kindness, teamwork and pride throughout the game.

I could not be more proud of how consistent most of these girls have been with practicing and how much they have improved over the season, even just during this game!

Well done girls, keep up the good work ready for our next and final game of the season!

Miss Jeans

Have a great weekend everyone!

Amanda Fraser

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