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Thomas Smith


Name: Thomas Smith

ProfessionGroundskeeper at North of England Clay Target Centre

Attended York High School: 2013 – 2018

Post-16 attended: Studied BTEC Science at York College

University or college? Studied Psychology at University of Hull

Favourite subject at school: Maths and Music

What I thought I wanted to do: I wanted to be an Educational Psychologist.

 What I ended up doing: I now work as a groundskeeper at a Clay Target range, I assist in setting up courses, cleaning the ranges, looking after traps and general customer service responsibilities.

How I got here: They let me know of the position since I worked there when I was 16 for a couple of years. Being a sporting clays shooter myself, I had no doubt the role was right for me. And, with the opportunity of being head groundskeeper in the near future, all the benefits to the job made the decision much easier.

Most useful skill or character trait for my job: There are many skills that are useful for the job: time management skills, attention to detail, being a practical learner and very hands-on personality.

Top tip! If you do not know what you want to do once school has finished, that is completely fine. Life is too long for you to go into a career you do not want to do. Take your time, you will figure it out.

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