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Message from the Head – Week 31

Week 31 – 17 May 2024

Key Dates

  • Y11 GCSE Exams continue

One Week To Go…

One week to go before half term and the weather is looking good for the weekend.
Year 11 have been superb this week with a great attitude in the exams.
Rest and revise this weekend for the big push into half term.
Interviews for the new principal have been taking place Thursday and Friday this week so watch out for an announcement soon.
Have a great weekend

Rod Sims

Art of Protest

Before Easter, 15 of our Yr8 students spent the day designing and spray painting 3 of our practice rooms.

They did a fantastic job and should be really proud of how they have contributed to making the department feel and look much brighter.

As part of the day, Art of Protest had a camera crew on site, shadowed by one of our year 8 students, to create a promotional video for the work they hope to do with schools.

Here is the final product:


Year 8 Liverpool Trip

Year 8 pupils have received a letter today for the Liverpool trip on 25th June.

The trip costs £36, less 20% for students in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.

To secure a place, we will accept slips back to the Finance Office from 8:40am on Tuesday 21st May on a first come, first served basis.

If you have any further questions about the trip after discussing with your child, please contact school reception.


Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the theme this year has been “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”

Movement is important for our mental health. But so many of us struggle to move enough.

We know there are many different reasons for this, so this Mental Health Awareness Week we want to help people to find moments for movement in their daily routines.

Going for a walk in your neighbourhood, putting on your favourite music and dancing around the living room, chair exercises when you’re watching television – it all counts!


Find moments for movement every day

Life gets busy and it can feel like we don’t have time to spend on activities to improve our wellbeing. But, finding moments for movement throughout the day might be easier than you think.

How often do you find yourself ‘waiting’ throughout the day? Waiting for the kettle to boil; for your children to come out of school; for a bus to arrive; or for a delivery. These moments can add up. If you use the time to get moving, that will add up too. You could march on the spot, do some stretches, or try some chair exercises.  

Give it a go! You’ll be surprised how much time you can fill with movement. 


Set small, achievable goals

When you’re beginning to move more for your mental health, set yourself small goals. It might be walking to the end of your street. Then you can push yourself a little further each day. 

Perhaps keep a movement journal so you can track your progress and how it makes you feel. Your goals are personal to you, and as you make progress you will create positive feelings that can boost your confidence and mood.  


Find the fun

However you choose to get moving, the best option is usually the one we enjoy the most.  

Do you remember the joy and excitement when the school bell rang for break time?  We couldn’t wait to get outside to run around and play.

As we get older, we sometimes forget that movement can be fun!  Instead of thinking of exercise as a chore, embrace your inner child and find the joy in movement. Fun and laughter alongside movement will increase your motivation and the psychological benefits.

Play games like tag with family or friends, interrupt extra-long work meetings with a bit of fun movement to give everyone an energy boost, or go for a picnic in the park and a game of rounders. If you have younger children, why not ask them to teach you their playground games and all play together?  You can also teach them the games you used to play that may have fallen out of fashion… is hopscotch still a thing?  

There are also online games and apps that can get you out and about – try the treasure hunt game Geocaching or maybe Pokemon Go.  


Last Call – Aesthetica Film Festival

There is an opportunity for year 8 students to be involved in the Aesthetica Film Festival.

Next half term, there will be several after school sessions led by industry professionals on ‘an intro to filmmaking’, VFXs from the people who made ‘House of the Dragon’ and also some sessions led by the Pauline Quirke Academy.

The goal is to produce and film your own mini film.

If you are interested, please come to see Mrs Lancaster for more information by Tuesday 21st May.


Instrumental and Vocal Lessons

If your child would like instrumental or vocal lessons within school next year, please send them to Mrs Lancaster to collect a form with a sign up link.

If you are in receipt of Free School Meals, Pupil Premium or a Looked After Child, Mrs Lancaster can apply for a bursary to cover some or all of the cost of lessons.





In Other News


YHS @ Pride

York High School will once again be joining the York Pride Parade.

On Saturday 1st June we would like to invite our students, ex-students and their families to join us on the fantastic parade through York.

We will be meeting up at 11:15am outside The Old Post Office on Lendal.

The parade sets off at 12 noon, arriving at the Knavesmire around 1:30pm

If you are planning to join us, or would like more information please email Miss Linsey



Community News

Make Space For Girls

The Make Space for Girls Festival is a month-long programme of over 30 FREE events aimed at 10-18 year olds.

It includes sports and exercise, arts and crafts, health and wellbeing, the performing arts, social awareness events and more.
The festival is about creating a welcoming park for teenage girls and reducing the drop off of park use as girls enter their teens.
The Festival encourages girls into the public space trying new things, meeting new people and having fun.
The programme is live

Time Out for Parents

Parenting Children with Additional Needs

5 Week Course.

South Bank Multi Academy Trust is working in partnership with Family Matters York to deliver a taster session on Tuesday 7 May, 9.00-11.00am at Scarcroft Primary School.

The full course will take place on Tuesday mornings from 11th June to 2nd July 2024.

To book a place, you must have a child at one of the six SBMAT schools.

For more details please take a look at the following information:

CFF and FMY acknowledgement

Course overview Additional Needs 5wk (1)

To book a place, visit



New Service

‘Yorchoice’ – Young People’s Mental Health Support in York

Who is it for?

The Mental Health drop-in is for anyone aged 14-21 yrs (up to 25yrs for those with SEND)

What can we offer?

  • A relaxed environment where Young People are listened to and supported to take steps forward with managing their own Mental Health.
  • Help and support around accessing local services in York, which are most appropriate to their individual needs.
  • Coping strategies and tips around dealing with their own Mental Health and Wellbeing.
  • A proactive approach to support Young People who may be on a mental health waiting list and need support in the ‘here and now’ to bridge the gap before their appointment.
  • A non-judgemental mental health safe space.

Please note: The drop in will not be a crisis service or a youth club

For more information please take a look at this letter from York Mind



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