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Principal’s Weekly Post – Week 2

Week 2 – 13 September 2024


Upcoming Key Dates

  • Year 11 Expectations Evening – Wednesday 18th September

An Air of Calm

A visit from a Jockey and a Racehorse topped another fantastic week at York High School.

The students have made a superb start to the academic year and school has felt calm and purposeful with students settling into their new classes.

I look forward to meeting Year 11 families next Wednesday at Expectations Evening.


Have a fantastic weekend.

Gavin Kumar

Year 11 Expectations Evening – Wednesday 18th September

Join us for A Slice of Advice.

At York High School we know that the key to success is through partnership, between school and home.  If we are all working together then we increase the chance of your child achieving their potential.

On Wednesday 18th September from 5.45pm – 7pm, we are holding an Expectations Evening for Year 11. This event will provide pupils and parent/carers with practical guidance and resources so that you can support your child to be successful in their GCSEs. We will provide tea in the form of pizza, please feel free to bring the family or anyone who will support your child during Year 11.

Due to the importance of this event, we are asking that every pupil attends with at least one parent or carer to accompany them wherever possible. Please complete the google form that was emailed to you to let us know how many of you will be attending with your child.

We do things differently at YHS and the evening will consist of the following:

  • 5.45pm Arrival and revision bags
  • 6pm Gavin Kumar on the perfect Year 11
  • 6.10pm Katy Lawson on unlocking success

There will be a 30 minutes Revision Fair where you will be able to visit all subjects and you will be able to take away all of the information to support your child.

The evening will provide valuable information about the practice exams and the final GCSEs, as well as practical guidance on how to help your child with their revision and what pupils need to be doing outside of lessons to get the best possible outcomes.

We look forward to seeing you there.


National Racehorse Week

On Tuesday, we were very excited to host some four-legged visitors – Poppy the pony and Nico the racehorse! We welcomed other visitors, including jockey Jo Mason, and Pam and Kev from New Beginnings.

Year 8 students had the opportunity to hear Jo’s career journey, including how she had struggled at school but was resilient in the face of challenge to achieve both undergraduate and master’s degrees from Leeds Beckett University.

Then the even more exciting part – meeting the animals! It was wonderful to see how gentle and inquisitive our students were with Poppy and Nico.

Between Year 8 and other year groups visiting at break time, we had over 300 students visit the horses; for many of them, it was their first experience meeting a horse!

Annie, Lewis and Ruby were brilliant in their interviews – listen out for them on BBC Radio York!


ATL Reward

Alongside attendance, Attitude to Learning is one of the clearest indicators of a child’s future success. We are delighted that so many students at York High aspire to an attitude to learning score 1, and always like to reward effort.

In the spirit of our recent equine visit, the 15 students with the best ATL scores in Week 5 in Years 7 and 8 will be invited to a free ‘Racing to School’ event at York Racecourse!



Mrs Alexander’s Year 8 class spent their lesson on Tuesday dissecting eyeballs as part of the Human Body topic!

We are hoping to ensure the rest of the year group get this fantastic opportunity throughout the Autumn term.



Performing Arts @ YHS

Grease – Schools Show

Miss Linsey and Mrs Lancaster were delighted that 34 students turned up to the first school musical rehearsal for Grease on Tuesday.

If your child would like to be part of the production (singing, acting or dancing) it’s not too late to join and our next rehearsal is after school on Tuesday 17th September in the main hall.


Music Medals

New for this academic year is Music Medals for clarinet, which is an accredited course from the Associated Boards of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM). There are 10 places available to KS3 to learn the clarinet over the year with Mrs Lancaster and take a Music Medals assessment at the end of the year. Letters will be coming out next week and it will be on a first come, first served basis.



In Other News


Extra-Curricular in Music

There is a full timetable of after school, lunch and form time Music extra-curricular clubs. Details are on the morning notices and on the PA noticeboard for students.

  • Tuesday form time – Soul Band
  • Tuesday after school – Grease
  • Wednesday lunch time – Bandlab (a DAW to compose their own music)
  • Thursday form time – Woodwind Group
  • Thursday after school – Singing Group
  • Friday form time – Music Medals (clarinet)
  • Friday after school – GCSE Music support


Community News

Workshops for Parents/Carers of children and young people attending a York setting or school

These live, 90-minutes sessions are available exclusively online for parents/carers of children in a York setting or school. They are designed to help parents/carers understand and support their child’s unique needs.

Autumn term 1

Autumn term 2


The dates and times above link to the specific booking pages and you can also access information here:



YorChoice Drop In

YorChoice drop in support for 14-21 year olds | Yormind

Mental health drop in support for young people in York. Guiding, signposting and listening to teenagers to find the right support for them.

Coming soon – A new young person’s Creative Arts Group, as well as an LGBTQ+ group.

You can keep an eye out on the website for start dates




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