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Lauren Wardell

Emergency Medical Dispatcher 999 Call Handler

Name: Lauren Wardell

Profession: Emergency Medical Dispatcher 999 Call Handler

Attended York High School: 2007-2011

Post-16 attended: York College

University or college? NA

Favourite subject at school: Art

What I thought I wanted to do: Hairdressing/Police Officer. I did qualify as a hairdresser but realised Miss Hustwick was right – it’s not well paid and long hours on your feet!

 What I ended up doing: Working mostly admin/finance roles, ending up working for Yorkshire Ambulance Service, working my way to my end goal of paramedic. Never thought I’d end up here!

Most useful skill or character trait for my job: Being confident and assertive which enables me to take control of a situation and provide life saving support while showing empathy to those who may be experiencing the worst time of their life.

Top tip! Listen, because you will find yourself telling your children things your teachers told you. Study hard, you get one shot and it sets you up for life, even if I still wonder why I had to learn algebra!

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