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Principal’s Weekly Post – Week 8

The Principal’s Weekly Post

Week 8: 24 OCTOBER 2024

Half-term highlights

What a superb start to the academic year it has been. As we finish our first half term of 2024/25 it is a great time for me to reflect on a personal level about what an absolute pleasure it has been to get to know our wonderful school community.

Highlights this half term have included our wonderful Open Evening, the Year 11 ‘A Slice of Advice’ evening, a visit from a racehorse and jockey, and meeting a group of parents this morning for coffee to talk about their experience of York High School to date (pictured below).

I would like to thank our students for the superb start to the academic year and I look forward to seeing you all after a well-deserved half-term break.

Have a great week!

Gavin Kumar

Diary dates

Thursday 24 October

School closes for half-term break at 3.10pm

Friday 25 October

Teacher Training Day – school closed to students

Wednesday 6 November & 13 November

Exam Stress Sessions for Year 11

Smashed Live!

On Tuesday 22 October, we welcomed Smashed to York High to perform a play and host a workshop about the dangers and impacts of underage drinking to our pupils in Year 7 and 8. All of our pupils engaged wonderfully, discussing the questions posed and displaying confidence in sharing their ideas. Well done!

If the play’s content has raised any concerns amongst young people, please encourage them to speak to their form tutor or Head of Year for support.

Murders, Mystery and a Maze

The last two weeks have seen YHS students get to spend time with 2 fantastic authors, and find out about their journeys in writing.

On Thursday 17 October a group of Year 7s ventured over to St Peter’s School for a session with Robin Stevens, author of the ‘Murder Most Unladylike’ series. During the session they heard how Robin had grown up living at a university before attending a boarding school, just like the detectives in her books. Robin then worked with the audience to create a mystery story using ideas students shared and voted for, just like making a ‘choose your own adventure’ novel.
This week, we were lucky enough to be able to welcome award-winning author and ex-Children’s Laureate, Joseph Coelho, as part of his tour talking about his book ‘The Boy Lost in the Maze’, which is a ‘choose your own’ adventure novel written in verse.
Our Year 9 students listened to Joseph talk about how he finds the ideas for his books in everyday experiences, and where his love of poetry started. During the Q&A session the students took the time to ask some really great questions about writing and getting published, as well as asking which football team Joseph supports (spoiler, he doesn’t watch football, he prefers cycling and athletics)!
Thank you to both Robin and Joseph for two brilliant author sessions – our students had a great time.
Pictured: Miss Linsey with Joseph Coelho

Community Cupboard

Thank you to Tesco Askham Bar!

Miss Woodward met up with Jo, Community Champion at Tesco, to collect a donation of washing detergent for our Community Cupboard. Donations such as this help us with our continued efforts to support the wider local community.

If you would like to donate to our Community Cupboard, we are always happy to accept donations of tins, jars and packet foods, hygiene products and other helpful items.

Donations can be dropped in to Main Reception during school hours, or you can contact to discuss other options.

Our Community Cupboard is available to all – if you would like to request some help please get in touch with us via email or call 01904 806600 – all requests are confidential and do not require a referral or voucher. (Please note that the Community Cupboard is not available during school holidays.)

Excellence Every Day

Well done to all of this week’s Excellence Every Day reward winners: Thomas, Lucy, Kayla, LJ, Amelia, Max, Jamie, Ruby, Lucy, Lewis, Anitah, Adrian, Lydia, Emilee, Demi, Cristina and Lily.

Carlton Lodge

We are excited to announce that on 28-29 April we will be providing Year 7 pupils with the opportunity to attend a residential visit to Carlton Lodge.

The cost of the visit is £135 and includes: six outdoor and adventurous activities, an overnight stay and all food provided.

To secure a place on this visit we are asking for a deposit of £35 to be paid before 11 November. This can be done through ParentPay or you can bring cash into main reception during school hours.

There are 100 places and they will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Careers Spotlight – T levels

This week is the first in our Careers Spotlight feature. Every week we will be placing a profession, qualification, organisation, event or useful advice in the spotlight.

This week in the spotlight, it’s T Levels.

T Levels are two-year courses taken after GCSEs and are equivalent to three A Levels.

These courses have been developed with employers so that students are prepared for entry into skilled employment or higher education.

T Levels offer students on-the-job experience through an industry placement of 45 days.

To find out more visit the T Levels website or speak to Mrs Callan, Careers Leader.

Heart of the Community Bronze Award

Last week, we shared news of our brilliant Year 8 Restart a Heart Day where every pupil in the year learned vital CPR skills as well as experiencing other medical knowledge.

We’re delighted to have been awarded the Bronze Award from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service for our commitment to CPD.

The YHS Way

Our focus for the first week back after the half-term break: Movement

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