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Principal’s Weekly Post – Week 9

The Principal’s Weekly Post

Week 9: 8 NOVEMBER 2024

A strong start

It’s been a really strong start back for half term two at York High School, with students returning after the break full of energy and enthusiasm for the challenges ahead. We have been reflecting and preparing for the theme of remembrance this week and students have responded with a sense of engagement and respect which this significant event deserves.

It has been lovely to recognise our students’ work through the Excellence Every Day awards each Wednesday. The number of students gaining this reward is growing week on week which is lovely to see.

Have a great weekend!

Gavin Kumar

Diary dates

Wednesday 13 November

Exam Stress Session for Year 11

Wednesday 13 November

Year 9 – YOLO performance and workshop

Thursday 12 December

Festive Showcase – save the date!


On Wednesday this week, our students in Years 10 and 11 had an assembly from NYBEP all about apprenticeships. They learned about the different levels available, and where to find out more information.

Please encourage your child(ren) to look at the government apprenticeship website:

Anti-littering competition

With the amount of litter around the school site increasing, we looked to our student body to create positive messages about anti-littering.

The calibre of entries to our anti-littering competition was excellent and we were delighted to present a ‘Gold Award’ to Millie B in Year 7 for her exceptional analysis of the impact of littering.

Congratulations also go to Jesse in Year 7 for his wonderful design which will be going up around school, and to all the students who participated. Twenty stamps are coming to each of you next week!

Battlefields trip

On Thursday 24 October at 11.30pm, 40 Year 10 and 11 students gathered at school to kick off our biennial Battlefields trip.

Across the course of three days, we explored a variety of trench systems, cemeteries, and places of significance during the First World War at sites across Belgium and the Somme. Our students were wonderful, and we are delighted to share some photographs with you in this weekly update. All students who went on the trip will have access to the photos taken by the start of next week.

We have a rather large collection of wellies left – please send your child to the main hall on Monday morning to collect if they are missing a pair!

Thank you to Miss Donkin, Mr Walker and Mrs James for giving up the start of their half-term break to staff this trip.

Excellence Every Day

Rewards this week go to April, Jules, Elsie, Layla, Ursula, Evelyn, Annie, Liv, Alex, Haryar, Jemima, Ashden, Harley and Brooke. Well done everyone!


With the upcoming Armistice Day next Monday, assemblies this week have focused on the theme of remembrance and students have also reflected on why remembrance is important in form time.

Careers Spotlight – Colleges in York and the surrounding area

When you finish Year 11 at York High, you need to enter further education, training or complete an apprenticeship. 

There are a variety of colleges which you could explore:

Year 9 YOLO

On Wednesday 13 November, Year 9 will be off timetable for a performance of YOLO by An Invisible Man theatre company, led by Stephen Burke. This play will cover themes including: peer pressure, underage drinking, teenage pregnancy, and abusive relationships.

For more information, please contact Miss Bettney.

GCSE Drama updates

GCSE Drama Workshop
On Wednesday, we welcomed Xolani from Pilot Theatre, former Assistant Director and movement coach for the original production of Noughts and Crosses, which is our set text for Drama.

Xolani delivered a fantastic two-hour workshop with our GCSE students focusing on staging, characterisation and movement. Students showed excellent levels of participation and found it very helpful for their upcoming mocks.

GCSE Drama Devised Exam
The devised exam for our Year 11 GCSE Drama students is on Tuesday 12 November in the Drama Studio. This comprises 40% of their GCSE final mark. Good luck to all our Drama students and thank you to Dylan in Year 9 for being our lightning and sound manager for the day.

Music Medals

Our pilot scheme for clarinet Music Medals starts on Friday form time. Parents and students should have received an email.

I look forward to sharing the progress of our seven clarinettists!

– Mrs Lancaster

Year 11 English

A note of praise from the English team to the Year 11 pupils for their excellent attitude in starting transactional writing this week. They have worked hard to craft persuasive arguments in preparation for this skill in their exams.

– Mr Kiernan

Year 5 & 6 after-school clubs at York High

We are running various extracurricular activities for children in Years 5 and 6, including Photoshop, football, coding clubs and more.

Parents/carers can find more information and register their child’s interest here.

If you have any problems accessing the link, or if you have any questions, please email with the subject ‘Year 5/6 clubs’.

Festive Showcase

Date for your diaries! The Festive Showcase, complete with staff panto, will be on Thursday 12 December at 6.00pm. Keep an eye out for tickets.

Last year this was a sell-out event, so be sure to order your tickets when they are released.

Call for raffle prizes

As you may know, we hold a raffle during the Festive Showcase to raise funds for the Performing Arts Department. All money raised will go towards staging future shows and replacing some of our stage equipment.
We are looking for donations for the raffle, so if you know a local business that might be interested in donating a prize, please let us know or ask them to contact us by emailing Thank you!

The YHS Way

Next week’s focus: Routines and Habits – Eating

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