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Principal’s Weekly Post – Week 21

The Principal’s Weekly Post

Week 21: 14 FEBRUARY 2025

Consultation update

It’s been another great week, in fact it’s been the perfect end to a fabulous half-term!

Thank you to all those who have already engaged with the consultation regarding the proposals to adjust the school day timings. As the consultation continues it has become evident that there are a number of key questions that have been regularly asked and we felt it would be useful to share the answers with all parents and carers:

Will students have to pay for the enrichment activities?

No, all enrichment activities will be delivered free to all students. There will be a range of activities that take place each day that will enhance our enrichment offer and develop our students’ holistically with wider learning both inside and outside of the classroom. 

Is the school day finishing at 2.35pm too early?

There will be an enrichment activity available for every student, in every year group, each day of the week until 3.25pm. This will include a homework club to support students learning as well as a large range of other activities. This will essentially lengthen the school day for our students when they attend their enrichment activities after period 5.

Will the school breakfast club continue?

Our breakfast club will continue from 8.00 – 8.20am each day. All students can access a free breakfast, this is an integral part of our school offer and will continue without change. 

Will an earlier start time make it difficult for students to arrive on time?

The planned change is ten minutes earlier. Students will be able to adapt without too much difficulty, as they do after school holidays and/or when the clocks change by an hour. 

Why are you starting the day with period 1?

Research suggests that students are more likely to recognise the value and importance of a taught lesson, as opposed to tutor time, so this encourages them to arrive at school on time and miss less learning. A pastoral check in will take place as students arrive in school at our school gate which will enable staff to support all students and help get them ready for learning as soon as the school day starts.

Will attendance at enrichment clubs be compulsory?

No, we won’t force anyone to attend enrichment activities, however we do see our enrichment activities as a key part of the school day for every student and would strongly encourage attendance. We hope to encourage high levels of attendance for all students in the following ways:

  • Providing a varied, high quality offer with a wide range of activities to suit all students.
  • Listening to what students would value and enjoy.
  • Allowing colleagues to play to their strengths and follow their own interests, so activities are fun and engaging.
  • Educating students about the benefits of attending different clubs and activities, whether to build social skills, keep healthy, improve wellbeing or support their academic progress.
  • Building links between activities and taught subjects, post-16 choices and careers.
  • Offering targeted support where any barriers are identified for specific groups or individuals.

My child has SEND and may need additional support at the beginning of the day – will this be available?

Yes, there will be staff from the inclusion team available before school to help students prepare for the school day ahead. In many cases that will mean preparing them to join Period 1 at 8.30am but where additional bespoke arrangements are needed, these will continue or be put in place in consultation with parents/carers.

Lessons are being reduced to 55 minutes, will this reduction impact upon teaching and learning time?

No. Our timetable currently contains 1 hour lessons which includes movement time for students to walk from lesson to lesson. By formalising  a 5-minute movement time between each lesson this will result in students being able to use the toilet during the lesson change over and then move to their next lesson and be ready to learn for the full 55 minutes. 

I hope these additional FAQs are useful. If you would still like to provide feedback, there’s still time! Please email: by 23 February.

I hope you all have a lovely half-term break! We will be back in school on Monday 24 February.

Gavin Kumar

Year 11 hoodies

We are delighted to let you know that the Leavers Hoodies for Year 11 students are now available to order via the link below. The cost is £18.00 and all hoodies have the YHS logo on the left breast and ‘Leavers’ printed on the reverse. There is also an option for surname/nickname below the print on the back for an additional £3.00.

The deadline for all orders is Friday 14 March 2025.

Please click here to order.

Please can we ask that you purchase directly with School Shop. If you are having difficulty ordering online, please call 01904 607331 and they will place your order and take your card details over the phone.

All orders will be delivered to school at the beginning of April and will be handed out to students before we break up for Easter.

Mr Walker

Excellence Every Day

Lots more rewards this week – well done to Alexa C, Lewis H, Brooke H, Harry S, Logan D, Olly O, Harvey J, Kerryn P, Evie N, Tegan G, Lacey D, Cristina I, Sophie G, Charlie W, Erin B and Freddie J!

Keep up the great work everyone!

Year 9 transition mentoring

Ahead of our Year 9 students moving to Year 10 in September, we are delighted to be working with the University of York again to run a transition mentoring programme across the next half term.

Texts have gone home to the parents/guardians of students involved, and letters have been issued to students. Please can these be returned by Monday 24 February to H3?

RAS Achievers

Well done to Elliott, Evelyn, Evie-Mai and Lionel, RAS Achievers from Week 20, nominated by our PE department.

Community Cupboard

Our school is committed to helping those in need through our community cupboard, ensuring that every student and family has access to essential food/household items. Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated, as they help us continue to support the local community.

If you or someone you know needs any support, please contact Aimee or Emma, or pop into main reception.

All requests will be handled with care and confidentiality.

The YHS Way

Next week’s focus: Routines and Habits – Positive Interactions

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