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Principal’s Weekly Post – Week 22

The Principal’s Weekly Post

Week 22: 28 FEBRUARY 2025

Fantastic feedback

It has been another busy and successful week at York High School. 

I would like to formally thank all parents and carers who either came to meet me or submitted feedback regarding the proposal to change the timings of the school day for the next academic year. Your feedback has been absolutely vital as part of the consultation process and I look forward to sharing the outcome of this next week. 

I would also like to invite parents and carers to come into school for a coffee with me on Tuesday 18 March at 4.00pm. This will be an opportunity to provide feedback about your experiences of York High to date. I really enjoy meeting our parent and carer body and these meetings provide essential feedback that really matters. If you would like to attend, please email Mrs Becton:

Have a great weekend!

Gavin Kumar

Diary dates

Tuesday 18 March at 4.00pm

Opportunity for parents/carers to have coffee with Mr Kumar

Friday 4 April

School closes for Easter break

Tuesday 22 April

School reopens for Summer Term

Creative Writing Club

Recently some of our Year 7 and 8 students who attend Creative Writing Club after school on Thursdays entered a poetry writing competition and we are thrilled to announce that all of our York High entries were chosen to be published!

The book, ‘The Beautiful Truth: Mark My Words’, will be available for students to borrow from the school library very soon.

Huge congratulations to Gracie (Year 7), Annie, Ruby, Bryony, Amelia, Sophie and Bella (all Year 8)!

Miss Rowbotham

Excellence Every Day

Rewards this week went to Sophie, Gianluca, Ebony, Maddie, Evie, Noah, LJ and Arthur.

Well done to all!

Community Cupboard

Our school is committed to helping those in need through our community cupboard, ensuring that every student and family has access to essential food/household items. Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated, as they help us continue to support the local community.

If you or someone you know needs any support, please contact Aimee or Emma, or pop into main reception.

All requests will be handled with care and confidentiality.

Careers Spotlight – T levels

This week is the first in our Careers Spotlight feature. Every week we will be placing a profession, qualification, organisation, event or useful advice in the spotlight.

This week in the spotlight, it’s T Levels.

T Levels are two-year courses taken after GCSEs and are equivalent to three A Levels.

These courses have been developed with employers so that students are prepared for entry into skilled employment or higher education.

T Levels offer students on-the-job experience through an industry placement of 45 days.

To find out more visit the T Levels website or speak to Mrs Callan, Careers Leader.

The YHS Way

Next week’s focus: Routines and Habits – Staff Instructions

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