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Message from the Head – Week 32

Week 32 – 26 May 2023

The first half of the summer term is complete and the GCSEs are well underway. Year 11 have completed a large number of their examinations already and have the remaining ones after the half term holidays.

I hope that the break is an enjoyable one for all members of the York High School community. Hopefully the weather will remain good and dry.

Ripon Workhouse Museum
On Friday 5th May, Year 8 visited the Ripon Workhouse Museum for a History & English trip. We learned about the tasks expected of male and female paupers, particularly children, and got an experience of the Victorian school room! Students were extremely engaged and we were really impressed with their conduct. Well done!
This week, we re-launched our Paired Reading programme with Year 7 and Year 10 students. It has been delightful to hear such a positive buzz about reading from the students involved – Year 10 have been excellent role models!

RAS Achievers – Art
Well done to this weeks’ RAS Achievers, nominated by our Art department.

Anitah and Merleigh, well done!

Tennis Club
Thursday this week saw the second tennis afterschool club session of the year. It was excellent to see a few faces return as a result of enjoying it last year. The focus was initially some basic hand-eye coordination before learning how to strike the ball with our racket, without gaining unnecessary height. It would be ideal if we don’t lose too many tennis balls this year!!

Both tennis and cricket will return on Thursday nights after half-term. Spread the word!

Mr Ledgeway

Flamingo Land Trip
We are delighted to announce that after consultation with parents we WILL be running a trip to Flamingo Land this year! The trip is open to pupils in Y7-10 and will be on Tuesday 18th July.

Letters have been given to pupils today, please return by 16th June to book a place and the payment deadline is Monday 3rd July.

Have a Lovely half term!

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