We’d love to welcome you and your family to York High School.Â
York High School is part of Excel Learning Trust who acts as our Admission Authority. The Trust participates in the Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Scheme for admissions and in-year admissions. More information on the admissions process, including appeals and oversubscription criteria can be found in the Local Authority’s guide for parents which can be downloaded here
If parents/carers wish to apply for a school place, applications can be made via the ParentPortal. The Local Authority will confirm the outcome of the application in writing within 15 school days. If the application is refused, the Local Authority will advise on the statutory appeal procedure. Details of the Co-ordinated Admission Scheme and how in-year applications are managed is available hereÂ
In addition to the formal open evening and other events, parents are always welcome to make an appointment to visit us during the school day and to meet the Principal and other key members of staff.
Access to our Admissions Policy is available on our Trust’s site here.
Please take a look at the following documents too:
York High School is currently consulting on a proposal to change the school day from September 2025. The proposal means that the school day will start at 8.30am and finish at 2.35pm, with enrichment opportunities available for pupils until 3.25pm. Following the close of the consultation, the finalised arrangements for the school day from September 2025 will be published.
For further information, please contact the school office on reception@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
👗 Looking for Prom outfit👔
Are you looking for a prom outfit?
We have a selection of dresses and suits in school that can be rented or purchased at reasonable prices.
If you're interested, please contact Mrs Fletcher to find out more - e.fletcher@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
📆 Dates for your diaries 📖
Next week we have the first of our two SEND Coffee Mornings.
Why not pop in and join our team for a coffee and a chat
☕ Tuesday 1st April - 9:30-11am
☕ Thursday 26th June - 9:30-11am
Drop a quick email to send@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk to save a seat!
A reminder that we have loads of lost property at pupil reception, including several coats! 🧥 If your child is missing something, please ask them to stop by at break or lunchtime to have a look 👀
Anything not claimed before Easter will be donated to charity #lostproperty
🔴 Comic Relief 🔴
🎉🎉WE DID IT! 🎉🎉
93,460 seats sat on across the day!
It's safe to say, that we have had a fantastic day and our school community have had a great time fundraising.
We Are York High!
#ComicRelief #BattleoftheButts #FunnyforMoney