For students to reach their full potential they need to be in school. Full attendance means a student can benefit from and enjoy everything the school has to offer. We want to work with parents to ensure school attendance is consistently excellent.
All parents who have children of compulsory school age have a legal responsibility to ensure that they receive an effective education. Parents whose children are registered at school are therefore responsible for ensuring that they attend regularly, punctually and stay in school during school hours. Failure to do so is an offence under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
We operate an attendance/punctuality policy that follows the City of York Fast Track process. To view the Trust Attendance Policy, please go to our Policies page.
We reserve the right to use the fixed penalty notice once all other interventions have been explored with both students and parents. This decision is not made lightly but does reflect the importance we place on attendance.
We feel that by working together with parents we can remove many barriers that might lead to poor attendance. Your child’s Form Tutor is their first port of call when trying to stop any worrying attendance patterns. They will be reviewing attendance data on a weekly basis, they may feel that contact is required to see if any negative trend can be halted and reversed.
Any student with an attendance percentage below 90% (without medical evidence to explain absence) will have further absence classified as ‘unauthorised’.
If your child is likely to be absent from school, please ring: 01904 806600 Option 1 or 01904 806599 or text: 07860040378 BEFORE 8.30am at the latest to give details.
You can also email, with a message giving your child’s name and the reason.
The attendance officer may then be in touch, depending on the nature of the absence and your child’s current attendance levels. The school tracks unauthorised absences for all students. If your child is marked absent with no reason at morning registration, you will be contacted by the school so we can ascertain the reason for the absence or to alert you if your child is not in school when he or she should be.
We recognise that some students have medical issues that lead to lower / poor attendance. This is obviously outside of the student’s control. In this case, please provide up to date evidence of their condition (doctors’ notes, appointment cards, appropriate medical records). The school will do their best to support any child in this position.
According to the Department for Education guidelines, headteachers can only authorise leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. It is important to understand that parents and carers do not have an automatic right for their children to have time off for holidays in term time. If you wish to apply, please complete a Leave of Absence Request form at least two weeks before and hand it in to the school’s attendance officer.
Excellent attendance and punctuality are key in helping the school to ensure it achieves its mission statement of “Resilience – Aspiration – Success”. Without good attendance and punctuality students do not achieve their true potential, belief and understanding of our school values. To challenge and to support students to attend and be on time is to care for their futures and their welfare. It is everyone’s responsibility as a member of our school community to protect all our students and to ensure they have the best life chances, hence it is all our responsibility to ensure excellent attendance and punctuality.
Below explains the procedures the school follows to support those students whose attendance is below 90%.
The following are the procedures that should be followed if a student is evidenced to have missed school due to a Leave of absence in term time.
Form Tutor, Pastoral Team, Classroom Teacher, School Office
Attendance Officer
Attendance Officer
The following illustrates the procedures we will follow to support students’ attendance.
Please take a look at this guide for parents/carers on maximising attendance.
Schools from across York have worked closely together with the City of York Council to develop a city-wide attendance strategy.
You can see their Going to School: don’t let your child miss out! flyer here.
👗 Looking for Prom outfit👔
Are you looking for a prom outfit?
We have a selection of dresses and suits in school that can be rented or purchased at reasonable prices.
If you're interested, please contact Mrs Fletcher to find out more -
📆 Dates for your diaries 📖
Next week we have the first of our two SEND Coffee Mornings.
Why not pop in and join our team for a coffee and a chat
☕ Tuesday 1st April - 9:30-11am
☕ Thursday 26th June - 9:30-11am
Drop a quick email to to save a seat!
A reminder that we have loads of lost property at pupil reception, including several coats! 🧥 If your child is missing something, please ask them to stop by at break or lunchtime to have a look 👀
Anything not claimed before Easter will be donated to charity #lostproperty
🔴 Comic Relief 🔴
🎉🎉WE DID IT! 🎉🎉
93,460 seats sat on across the day!
It's safe to say, that we have had a fantastic day and our school community have had a great time fundraising.
We Are York High!
#ComicRelief #BattleoftheButts #FunnyforMoney