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Jane Taylor


Week 21 – 24 February 2023 It was great to end the last half term on Children’s Mental Health Week. KS3 pupils made paper chains highlighting the importance of connecting and KS4 pupils sent postcards to those they feel connected to. Should you require any support around your child’s mental health please get in touch...
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Today 38 Year 8/9 students visited York St John University to get a flavour of post-18 options. everyone had a fabulous day and learned lots about the possibilities that university can offer. Thanks to the team at York St John for hosting us and well done to the students for representing York High so beautifully!
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Week 19 – 3 February 2023 Personal news to start this week, for many years I have struggled with what has become an arthritic ankle. I had postponed the operation 3 years ago as I did not want to spend any length of time away from YHS while we were on our improvement journey. I...
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Week 17 – 13 January 2023 Upcoming Events Monday 16th January – Year 9 Options Taster Day Tuesday January – 17th GCSE Certificates Despite this being a really busy week at YHS the atmosphere when I have walked around school has been so calm. Blustery conditions can often lead to blustery behaviour in schools but...
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Yesterday our Year 11s took part in a number of challenges set by the team at Drax. Drax gave the students the “energy trilemma”, they were on the stock exchange with Aviva, scoping out a different way of attending university with CU Scarborough, “pumping it up” with CRODA Science, and building earthquake proof structures with...
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Yesterday the entire school attended our annual Careers Fair! We had over 25 stalls, with representatives from local colleges, 6th forms, the NHS, engineering, accountancy, apprenticeships, banking, cyber crime, healthcare, fitness and a variety of universities. If you or your business would like to get involved next year, please contact main reception for more information....
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