Take a look back in time at some of our photo galleries – you may spot someone you know!
On Friday 11th January, Year 10 pupils hosted a New Year Party for Senior Citizens of our local Community. The pupils had been fundraising since September to hold the event. The afternoon kicked off with a welcome from Mr Ellis, followed by bingo, a light lunch, a sing-a-long to war time songs and entertainment performances by pupils and the school choir First Verse. The afternoon was a great success with fantastic comments regarding our pupils. We are very proud of all pupils involved.
Olympic legend Sir Steve Redgrave this morning visited York High School. Sir Steve Redgrave is one of an elite group of only 5 athletes in history to have achieved 5 gold medals in consecutive Olympic Games, Steve is without doubt Britain’s greatest Olympian and indeed one of the greatest Olympians the world has ever seen. Steve led a motivational and inspirational school assembly about his career and later watched as kids joined in sports activities. Steve also offered interactive rowing tips to York High Pupils.
On the 8th of December, Year 11 pupils hosted a Christmas party for senior citizens of our local community. The challenge to raise funds for the event was put to Year 11 pupils in September by Mr Moran. Representatives were appointed from each form and fundraising activities were very successful in raising over £700. The event was a great success and many of the residents of our community spoke of how they had enjoyed themselves, how wonderfully welcoming, friendly and helpful the pupils were and how they had seen for themselves that the majority of young people care a great deal about the world and communities around them. Mr Moran was very proud of the pupils involved as they showed they were ambassadors for their generation and the kindness, respect and empathy they showed made a massive impression on the people they entertained and gave their time to so selflessly.
Year 9 Religious Studies pupils visited the Holocaust Memorial Centre in Laxton, near Nottingham. This is the second year the trip has been run and pupils who participated came back with a lot more knowledge and understanding of the Second World War and the effects and consequences of the Holocaust. The trip will run again next year
On Wednesday 23rd November Year 7 and Year 9 pupils participated in a Paralympic Celebration Day. The focus of the day was equality, which forms part of our school mission statement. During the day pupils had the opportunity to meet and hear from New Zealand Paralympian Tim Prendergast. To hear more about the day, view our School News section.
👗 Looking for Prom outfit👔
Are you looking for a prom outfit?
We have a selection of dresses and suits in school that can be rented or purchased at reasonable prices.
If you're interested, please contact Mrs Fletcher to find out more - e.fletcher@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
📆 Dates for your diaries 📖
Next week we have the first of our two SEND Coffee Mornings.
Why not pop in and join our team for a coffee and a chat
☕ Tuesday 1st April - 9:30-11am
☕ Thursday 26th June - 9:30-11am
Drop a quick email to send@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk to save a seat!
A reminder that we have loads of lost property at pupil reception, including several coats! 🧥 If your child is missing something, please ask them to stop by at break or lunchtime to have a look 👀
Anything not claimed before Easter will be donated to charity #lostproperty
🔴 Comic Relief 🔴
🎉🎉WE DID IT! 🎉🎉
93,460 seats sat on across the day!
It's safe to say, that we have had a fantastic day and our school community have had a great time fundraising.
We Are York High!
#ComicRelief #BattleoftheButts #FunnyforMoney