York Independent State School Partnership (ISSP) is an equal partnership of twelve secondary schools – nine state/academy schools and three independent schools. Click the logo to view the website.
 The partnership offers master classes for the most able students across the city, with the aim of providing academic challenge through opportunities which schools cannot provide alone. As well as this, they offer twilight training sessions for teachers, one-off conferences for students on leadership and global citizenship to presentations on career aspirations, and competitions for entrepreneurs. They also run a termly lecture series for Y7&8 and a Maths Excellence Club for gifted mathematicians in Y8&9, both with the support of the University of York. In addition, the partnership provides Latin GCSE to students from maintained schools where it is not on the curriculum as well as a GCSE Astronomy course for those passionate about this subject.
If you would like to know more about York High’s involvement with York ISSP, please contact Mrs Callan E: e.callan@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
👗 Looking for Prom outfit👔
Are you looking for a prom outfit?
We have a selection of dresses and suits in school that can be rented or purchased at reasonable prices.
If you're interested, please contact Mrs Fletcher to find out more - e.fletcher@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
📆 Dates for your diaries 📖
Next week we have the first of our two SEND Coffee Mornings.
Why not pop in and join our team for a coffee and a chat
☕ Tuesday 1st April - 9:30-11am
☕ Thursday 26th June - 9:30-11am
Drop a quick email to send@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk to save a seat!
A reminder that we have loads of lost property at pupil reception, including several coats! 🧥 If your child is missing something, please ask them to stop by at break or lunchtime to have a look 👀
Anything not claimed before Easter will be donated to charity #lostproperty
🔴 Comic Relief 🔴
🎉🎉WE DID IT! 🎉🎉
93,460 seats sat on across the day!
It's safe to say, that we have had a fantastic day and our school community have had a great time fundraising.
We Are York High!
#ComicRelief #BattleoftheButts #FunnyforMoney