The curriculum at York High School is key to the development of the whole child. Whilst each child covers subjects as listed below, the essential thread throughout each lesson every day is to stretch, challenge and enthuse each child so as to give their very best and develop a passion for future life.
To find out more about our subjects, just click on a title or a ‘more detail’ button below:Â
Our #YHSWay focus for this week is 'Routines and Habits – Uniform' 🌟
Last weekend we celebrated students from @York_High and @MillthorpeSch as they premiered their own short films at Aesthetica Film Festival. Many thanks and congratulations to all involved @CityofYork @ASFFest
Well done to last week's RAS Achievers, Lucy-Anne and Jamie, who were nominated by our English department 🌟 🤩
Another great walk around @York_High this morning. The investment in the school environment is making a big difference!
Looking good!