“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”
― Aristotle
In Art lessons throughout KS3, pupils will build up a wide variety of skills and techniques to thoroughly prepare them for the GCSE Fine Art course they may opt to take at KS4. The Formal Elements of Art are explored through drawing, painting, print work, photography and 3D modelling throughout Year 7, 8 and 9 projects, alongside study of relevant Artists, Craftspeople and Art movements.
Key Skills
Drawing: Shading skills/ Primary & Secondary source observational skills/ Portrait skills/ Mark making/ Aerial perspective/ Drawing with pencil, inks, pen, pastel (oil & chalk), charcoal, chalk.
Painting: Techniques using Acrylic, Watercolour, Gouache and Poster paints.
Printmaking: Mono print, Press print and Lino print
3D Modelling: Felt/Clay construction & modelling techniques, Mark Making and Appliqué
Textiles: Needle Felting, embroidery, fabric collage, weaving techniques on card looms
Photography: Basic photo composition/ image manipulation using Adobe Photoshop
History of Art: Analytical skills, developing a broad subject specific vocabulary
KS3 Topics
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Y7 |
Human Portraiture |
African Clay Masks |
Kente Cloth Textiles Weaving |
Y8 | Celtic Art/ Illuminated Letters | David Hockney Inspired Abstract Textiles Landscapes |
Clay Monster Pots |
Y9 |
Naughty But Nice: Drawing/Photography  |
Naughty But Nice: Painting/Clay food modelling  |
Architecture Reduction Lino Printing |
Throughout Year 10 and the Autumn term of Year 11, pupils are required to complete a portfolio of coursework consisting of one extended project of work and additional work undertaken throughout the course. This could take many forms such as an additional project or work undertaken from a gallery visit. In the Summer term of Year 10, pupils complete a short ‘Mock Exam’ project. This makes up 60% of the final grade.
In the Spring term of Year 11, pupils will begin their Externally Set Task preparation period (approx. 10 weeks), whereby they chose a project title from a selection provided by AQA. This culminates in 10 hrs of controlled assessment over two separate 5 hr sessions when pupils produce one or more final outcomes for their chosen project. This makes up the final 40% of their final GCSE grade.
Every project has four compulsory assessment objectives which must be covered and is marked out of a possible 96 marks (24 per Assessment Objective).
AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.
Current coursework portfolio project titles studied by Year 10 and 11 are Identity and Natural Forms.