We place a high value on the relationships we build with parents, carers and families. We will post a regular message with a round-up of news, updates and announcements to keep you up-to-date with what is happening at school and in our community. Past messages can be found below.
We're delighted to be accredited as an #ADHDFriendly School, alongside seven other York schools including our partner Trust school @MillthorpeSch
🎭 🎼 GREASE is the WORD.... 🎼 🎭
Tickets for the show and the raffle are selling faster than Greased Lightnin'!!
So book your tickets for our fantastic production of GREASE now by emailing library@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
#Grease #schoolshow #performingarts #raffle
The team at Project: WILD CIC are running a fully funded, five-day Environmental Leadership Programme during the Easter holidays (7-11 April). Anybody aged 15 to 21 is welcome to sign up!
Find out more here: https://projectwildcic.com/projects/environmental-leadership-programme/
👗 Looking for Prom outfit👔
Are you looking for a prom outfit?
We have a selection of dresses and suits in school that can be rented or purchased at reasonable prices.
If you're interested, please contact Mrs Fletcher to find out more - e.fletcher@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk