York High School considers the safety, protection and wellbeing of young people in its care as paramount.
It is very important that our students feel safe in school and, as such, safeguarding is a priority area for us. We follow the statutory guidance and local advice including:
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Working together to Safeguard Children
We also have our own child protection policy which can be found on Our Policies page here.
It is essential that everybody working in a school or college understands their safeguarding responsibilities. These are detailed in the Keeping Children Safe in Education document.
We are fully committed to following the City of York safeguarding Children Board (CYSCB) Guidance and Procedures.
Reporting a concern
You should always report concerns if you think you or someone else could be at risk of harm. Anyone who has a concern about the welfare of a child at York High School should report it using any of the following methods:
If you are looking at this website and have an urgent safeguarding concern which you are not able to discuss with a member of staff, please use these contacts:
MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) – Office hours T:Â 01904 551900
North Yorkshire Emergency Out of Hours Duty Team T: 01609 780780
Urgent assistance with mental health, please call York CAMHS Crisis Team T: 08000 516171
The designated person with responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection is:
Victoria Burns
E: v.burns@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead’s and the first point of contact for all concerns are:
Emma Masterman and/or Emma Crotty
E: e.masterman@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
E: e.crotty@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
T: Emma Masterman – 01904 806578 / 07538 718327
T: Emma Crotty – 07771 810746
👗 Looking for Prom outfit👔
Are you looking for a prom outfit?
We have a selection of dresses and suits in school that can be rented or purchased at reasonable prices.
If you're interested, please contact Mrs Fletcher to find out more - e.fletcher@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk
📆 Dates for your diaries 📖
Next week we have the first of our two SEND Coffee Mornings.
Why not pop in and join our team for a coffee and a chat
☕ Tuesday 1st April - 9:30-11am
☕ Thursday 26th June - 9:30-11am
Drop a quick email to send@yorkhigh.elt.org.uk to save a seat!
A reminder that we have loads of lost property at pupil reception, including several coats! 🧥 If your child is missing something, please ask them to stop by at break or lunchtime to have a look 👀
Anything not claimed before Easter will be donated to charity #lostproperty
🔴 Comic Relief 🔴
🎉🎉WE DID IT! 🎉🎉
93,460 seats sat on across the day!
It's safe to say, that we have had a fantastic day and our school community have had a great time fundraising.
We Are York High!
#ComicRelief #BattleoftheButts #FunnyforMoney