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Transition – Key dates

Key dates

May – Transition Visits

During May, Mr Walker will visit all the feeder primary schools to talk about York High School, answer any questions and to allay any worries or concerns pupils may have about moving to secondary school.

June – Transition Detectives

Pupils from the primary schools will be selected to spend the morning at York High School and sample the school day. They will experience first hand what it’s like to be a YHS pupil, sampling lessons, meeting staff and sampling our fantastic food from our canteen.

July – ‘Meet the Tutor’ appointments and Transition Day

Once we have completed all our contact with the primary schools, you will be invited to attend our Year 6 ‘meet the tutor’ appointments on:

  • Dates in July to be confirmed
  • Check back for updates

Closer to the time we will be writing to you about your appointment time, and explaining on which day/evening you should attend. This will depend on your child’s allocated tutor group. During this appointment you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s form tutor. The aim of the appointment will be to explain in detail how the school works, our expectations and how we plan to work together to ensure your child makes the best of their time at YHS. This will also be an ideal opportunity for you to ask any questions that we have not answered.

Our school uniform supplier will also be present on both evenings for you and your child to check sizes and order the required uniform.

All pupils will then spend the school day at York High School on:

  • Date to be confirmed

They will experience for themselves what it is like at York High School. Details of the day will be posted out in advance with your application packs.

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